HaDEA Info-Day: EU Funding Programmes for Health and Digital Transformation

Greek Ministry of Digital Governance Fragkoudi 11, Athens, Athens, Greece

At the event, HaDEA representatives will present the Digital Europe (DEP), Horizon Europe (HE) and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programmes. The National Contact Points will present the challenges usually faced in the context of Greek participation, while participants will have the opportunity to put their questions directly to HaDEA representatives. Stergiani Spyrou (CIO-3rd Regional Health Authority) will present the eCAN JA, explaining Greek participation within the project.

Round table on the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare field

IDIVAL Cardenal Herrera Oria, Santander, Cantabria, Spain

IDIVAL, an eCAN partner, will organise a round table in Spanish on 'Artificial Intelligence: how can we use it in healthcare'. Three speakers will discuss the challenges of AI and its use in healthcare, including cancer diagnosis and treatment. The eCAN Joint Action will be introduced by Joaquin Cayón, Head of the Legal Service of the Regional Ministry of Health of Cantabria and IDIVAL researcher.

European Week Against Cancer

The European Week Against Cancer (EWAC) is a key international awareness week on the health calendar, that takes place every year between 25 and 31 May to unite Europe in the fight against cancer.

Kékgolyó Days 2024 – National Training Conference for Professionals in Oncology

Hotel Eger & Park Szálloda u. 3, Eger, Hungary

The conference entitled ’Kékgolyó Days 2024 – National Training Conference for Professionals in Oncology’ takes place in Eger, Hungary, from May 30th to June 1st. The event is organised by the Hungarian National Institute of Oncology and it aims to gather clinicians and institutional representatives from Hungary.