Implementation of Digital Tools for Oncological Quality of Care – Barriers and Facilitators

Mediterranean Palace, 3, Salaminos str, Thessaloniki 546 26, Greece Mediterranean Palace, 3, Salaminos str, Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece

The workshop entitled "Implementation of Digital Tools for Oncological Quality of Care - Barriers and Facilitators" is organized by the Cancer Guidance Center-Kapa3, in the framework of the project "E-Health4Cancer" co-funded by the European Union, Erasmus+ KA210-ADU. During the workshop, 3RHA, with representative Mrs. Stella Spyrou, will present the eCAN project, its scopes and the experiences of the psychologists running the pilots at Papageorgiou Hospital. Besides that, Pantelis Natsiavas from the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), from WP8, will participate in a roundatable.

American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024

San Diego Convention Center 111 Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

The AACR Annual Meeting is the focal point of the cancer research community, where scientists, clinicians, other health care professionals, survivors, patients, and advocates gather to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine. Andrea Pace, from the WPs 5 & 6, will present a poster in the meeting about the eCAN pilots and some of their preliminary results.

eCAN Workshop: Tips for better communicating your research

Online Event

Workshop organised by Work Package 2 (Communication) to provide the eCAN consortium with tips and tools to foster their skills and knowledge in the dissemination of scientific content and to increase synergies and cooperation with the communication and dissemination area.

HaDEA Info-Day: EU Funding Programmes for Health and Digital Transformation

Greek Ministry of Digital Governance Fragkoudi 11, Athens, Athens, Greece

At the event, HaDEA representatives will present the Digital Europe (DEP), Horizon Europe (HE) and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding programmes. The National Contact Points will present the challenges usually faced in the context of Greek participation, while participants will have the opportunity to put their questions directly to HaDEA representatives. Stergiani Spyrou (CIO-3rd Regional Health Authority) will present the eCAN JA, explaining Greek participation within the project.