Cancer continues to be one of the leading causes of morbi-mortality in the world. Thedata shows the enormous impact of cancer for the people who suffer from it and for the health systems, motivating the development of different action plans to fight against cancer and a greater political commitment to its prevention and control.
In recent years we have been participating in the strategies that have been promoted at the European Union level with the aim of tackling cancer from different aspects.
In 2021, the European Plan to Fight Cancer was approved, the purpose of which is to address the disease in a comprehensive manner that guarantees quality care carried out by multidisciplinary teams.
This high-level meeting aims to reflect and discuss with national and international experts on the current challenges and opportunities in cancer care at the European level.
Throughout the Conference, the advances made in terms of health policies for cancer control will be updated, both at the level of the European Commission and the Spanish National Health System through the Cancer Strategy, as well as progress related to the field of research within the framework of Horizon Europe and Cancer Mission. On the other hand, through the format of round tables, the current challenges in relation to the multidisciplinary and quality approach to cancer patients in comprehensive care centers, advances in their treatment, as well as inequities and inequalities in cancer within the EU will be addressed, followed by a space where the audience can interact with the experts, enriching the debate and discussion.