A new European Parliament finds itself at a crossroads. Will it keep its eyes on the prize and its unprecedented focus on improving cancer care? Or will it grow distracted and turn away to other issues? Will Europe’s ambitious Beating Cancer Plan be allowed to reach its full potential? Or will so many promising, life-saving initiatives be left to wither on the vine? The next five years will be game changing.
In this context, it is essential to find consensus and to work together seamlessly in advancing cancer care. On 20-21 November, Europe’s leading oncology experts, patient advocates, and policymakers will gather in Brussels and online for the most significant cancer policy event of the year. The European Cancer Summit 2024 is the one event you cannot afford to miss!
The Summit is a showcase of what’s possible when we put aside our differences and work together for more effective, efficient, and equitable cancer care throughout Europe. The theme of this year’s Summit is United Against Cancer: Forging New Frontiers:
- United Against Cancer: Our collaboration transcends medical disciplines and professions, tumour types and treatments, politics and nationalities. We stand firmly together to confront this relentless, unforgiving disease.
- Forging New Frontiers: Alone, our vision is often limited. We cannot see the full potential of what lies ahead. But together, we dare to imagine the unimageable. We proceed with greater confidence and creativity, constantly expanding the boundaries of cancer care.
The European Cancer Summit will be followed by an exclusive Showcase Event for the smartCARE and PROTECT-EUROPE projects on 22 November, at the same venue. The eCAN project will also be presented at the event by Victoria Leclerq from Sciensano (WP1).