Our Organisations
GOEG | Austrian National Public Health Institute | Austria | Benefitiary entity |
Sciensano | Sciensano | Belgium | Benefitiary entity |
UZA | Antwerp University Hospital | Belgium | Affiliated entity |
NIHDI-INAMI-RIZIV | National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance | Belgium | Affiliated entity |
SPF Santé Publique – FOD Volksgezondheid | Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment | Belgium | Affiliated entity |
NeHA | National eHealth Authority | Cyprus | Affiliated entity |
CUT | Cyprus University of Technology | Cyprus | Benefitiary entity |
PASYKAF | Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends | Cyprus | Affiliated entity |
RSD | Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark | Denmark | Affiliated entity |
GNP | General Hospital Papageorgiou | Greece | Affiliated entity |
3rd RHA | 3rd Regional Health Authority of Macedonia | Greece | Benefitiary entity |
AUTH | Lab of Medical Physics and Digital Innovation at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Affiliated entity |
INAB|CERTH | Institute of Applied Biosciences at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas | Greece | Affiliated entity |
NIO | National Institute of Oncology | Hungary | Affiliated entity |
HSE Digital Transformation | HSE Digital Transformation | Ireland | Affiliated entity |
OSR | IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele | Italy | Affiliated entity |
IFO-IRE | Regina Elena National Cancer Institute | Italy | Benefitiary entity |
INT | National Cancer Institute of Naples | Italy | Affiliated entity |
NVI | National Cancer Institute | Lithuania | Affiliated entity |
Kaunos Klinikos | Lietuvos Sveikatos Mokslų. Universiteto Ligonine Santaros Klinikos | Lithuania | Affiliated entity |
VULSK | Viesoji Istaiga Vilniaus Universiteto Ligoninė Santaros Klinikos | Lithuania | Affiliated entity |
– | Ministry for Health | Malta | Affiliated entity |
– | The National Welfare Technology Program | Norway | Affiliated entity |
MSCNRIO | Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology | Poland | Benefitiary entity |
IPO | Portuguese Institute of Oncology – Porto | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
ACSS | Central Administration of the Health System | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
IPO | Portuguese Institute of Oncology – Coimbra | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
IPO | Portuguese Institute of Oncology – Lisbon | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
SPMS | Shared Services of the Portuguese Ministry of Health | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
DGS | The Directorate General of Health | Portugal | Affiliated entity |
NCZI | National Health Information Center | Slovak Republic | Affiliated entity |
OIL | Institue of Oncology Ljublijana | Slovenia | Affiliated entity |
ICO | Catalan Institute of Oncology | Spain | Benefitiary entity |
IDIVAL | Institute for Health Research Valdecilla | Spain | Affiliated entity |
SAS | Andalucian Health Service | Spain | Affiliated entity |
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.